Sick Society

Bumi berputar rancak jutaan tahun lamanya, dari Nabi Adam hingga generasi kita. Ape yg aku cuba katakan skrg ni ialah apa yg blaku di seluruh dunia.
Jujur aku katakan, dulu bila bdak laki dgn prmpuan kite tnggalkn bdua pn kita tk prnh pikir bkn-2, but now even tinggalkn bdak laki dgn laki pn, people start to worried. its not their fault to be afraid. This society is poluted, Our society. 

apa kita bole buad ? Tell me. Dulu if something happend, call polis. diorg blh handle lah but now we are afraid to do so bcause why ? you know why! Im not going to talk about the goverment. We can nvr win with their powers. Try as hard as you want to, you will end up with nothing.

People nowdays are greedy sneaky little bastard. Nk hidup kn ? kne ada balls. Yes, hidup mmg palat tp esok ada lg. ingt lg quote tu ? esok mmg ada tp society kite ? bygkn 20-30 years akan dtg. Im scared but the enviroment is getting more dangerous by day plus with the technology.

Now, people are funding for gay right, suicide ni patut dibelas kasihan, helping the israel. See what happend ? What we have to go through. Sanggup korang tgok saudara islam kita hidup songsang, sanggup korang tgok saudara islam kita bunuh diri sbb stress and most of all sanggup korang tgok saudara islam palestin kita dibunuh kejam. budak-2 kecik yg bru nk tgok dunia, dihukum mcm binatang.  

Kita tau ada org bgerak utk lupuskn smua tu, tp siapa kita yg tiada kuasa ni ? end up diorg yg menang. Im not perfect muslim for saying this but I am one. Please tadah tangan dan pray for their freedom. stop their pain and let them live without suffering. We cant join the war but we can doa.

Also doa for our poluted society. InsyaAllah.

till then xoxo

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