Rajin plak tiap hari nk update, sbb bosan tktau nk buad apa lg *sigh* my mood is depending on my bf. If dia buad perangai aku pn tkde mood nk ckp byk. tahun ni paso bumbung nmpk gaya nya aku tk dpt nk turut serta. kirim salam kt Juna eh :)
Actually, utk remaja lepasan STPM yg tkbole keje and mnanti utk sambung blaja duit tu mmg mslh dunia. Am I right guys ?
Aku nk kerja tp ntah some people judge aku ni pemalas and all, but diorg tktau parents aku mcm mana. mcm hri tu kt twitter, aku ckp bosan dduk umah selama 7 bulan ni. Dia rply "aku pn dduk umah, tk bosan pn" okay I was like, bosan lh tktau nk buad apa. and she was like "Kerja lh aku tgh pn tgh cari kerja ni".
Okay, let me sum my life for you. Make it clear!
I cant work bcoz my mom wants me to babysit my brother while she searching for a new one smpai nnt aku sambung blaja. I try to work, well Im suck at it haha and my mom really wont let me work yet. seriously ask my aunt and uncle.
kau bole bygkn tk, tiap hri kemas rumah, main game, tgok tv. okay, tv rumah aku cuma 9 channel shj. cartoon mak aku dh sekat. Cartoon was my life! Bygkn nk hrpkn tv9 tu haaa dgn winx club bangang tu. bhse melayu plak tu. SHISH!!
and parents aku smpai skrg tkbgi guna kereta diorg. Im 20 and aku dh lama hbis P. Tau mak aku ckp apa, dia ckp dia takut aku drive. I was like, cbe bgi tau time bile aku bole drive, time bile aku bole practise utk drive. nk prgi kedai dkat umah pn dia tkbgi. diorg suruh naik motor, dgn aku yg traumatized ni mmg takkan lg lh. Even aku nk pusing ke luar umah pn dia tkbgi jgak. Can you feel the pain ? *sigh*
Syahrul, haihhh 2 more months. aku bgi tempoh 2 bulan lg utk buktikn yg dia betul serious dgn hbgn kiteorg. aku syg dia, tlalu syg. but aku dh penat, aku dh mls nk mlyn kerenah dia kalau dia tk pasti nk lama dgn aku. Yes, relationship tk prlu tnjuk kt org. I mean tk kisah but sometimes dia mcm still nk try market dia lg. Sabar okay 2 more months.
Dh lh nk tgok Malcom in the middle, dh last season dh. lpas ni tepu blik lh tktau nk buad apa. Till then xoxo
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